Council Highlights from Nov 18, 2006, Markham

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Council Highlights from Nov 18, 2006, Markham

Postby mdalions » Sun Dec 03, 2006 20:44

Highlights of the November 2006 Meeting of the Governors Council

The second meeting of the 2006-2007 Council of Governors was held in Markham on Saturday November 18, 2006. The following represents the highlight topics discussed during the meeting:

New MDA Secretary – The MDA Secretary’s Office has now moved to 30, Ventnor Way, Nepean ON. K2J 1M3. Home # 613-843-1687 (or 613 825-4371), Fax # 613-825-1939.

Treasurer – Council was advised that MDA dues outstanding totalled $54,000. It was pointed out that the motion increasing the mileage allowance approved at the September meeting contravened the current MDA C&BL. This motion was subsequently rescinded and on the advice from the MDA legal advisor, a new motion was made and approved to recognize the increase in gas and insurance costs as an emergency situation with an increase honourarium of .02/km effective July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. A motion was also approved for the Ad Hoc Committee (under the R&LRP committee) to clarify the spending powers of the Council of Governors with a view to making these consistent with those contained in LCI Article IX - Emergency Relief Fund.

International Director – It was reported that LCI would be closing the Canadian Lions Supply Office effective November 15, 2006 due to continued losses in revenue. While the import duties will remain the responsibility of the ordering club, LCI has agreed to remove the 30% surcharge to cover duties that currently exist on all items sold in Canada. Governors were reminded that Family members have to be certified Nov 30th to received the reduced family membership dues structure.

Administration – New job descriptions were approved for the Administration Committee, the MDA Treasure and Secretary plus guidelines for the Council Chair Elects. Approval was also given for the Committee to review and make recommendations on the current Rules of Audit levels and the development of Terms of Reference for the Governor’s Council.

Convention Committee – Registration forms for the ‘Branches over the Thames’ London Convention should be submitted as soon as possible. The host program for the 2008 Convention in Toronto will be similar to that of 2003 and a bid application was approved to hold the 2009 Convention in North Bay.

Promotion Committee – The MDA breakfast at the International Convention is planned for Wed July 4, 200 starting at 6:30 am and the MDA hospitality suite is under negotiation. The location and date for the Canadian Caucus has yet to be confirmed. The Brockville Lions Steel Band’s request to solicit donations from Clubs in MDA was approved.

Environment – All districts are urged to become involved in the LCI Environmental Photo Competition.

International Advisory Committee – the Council of Governor’s endorsed PID Eberhard Wirfs from Germany as a candidate for 2nd Vice President, LCI for 2007-2008.

Hearing Conservation – Lions Homes for Deaf People is planning a new home for Deafblind adults in London. Also special rooms to demonstrate various hearing devises are being incorporated into Canadian Hearing Society offices throughout the province.

Magazine – Due to ever increasing costs the committee will be looking into potential new formats for producing the LION magazine.

MERL – While attendance at the MDA Extension Workshop held on Nov 2nd was less than anticipated it proved to be a successful and worthwhile event. Membership in MDA continues to represent the #1 challenge.

Research & Long Range Planning – Council approved revisions to the Terms of Reference and membership for a new Ad Hoc Committee on Constitution & By Laws.

Sight Conservation - R&LRP has been asked to review the MDA Vision Screening program and to develop consistent guidelines so that a standardized program is supported throughout MDA. This will assist in reaching agreement with the Ontario Association of Optometrists, which has expressed concern with the present inconstant approach by Lions within MDA.

Youth Outreach – MDA is looking toward conducting a Leo Conference sometime in 2007.

Committee Changes: Council approved PDG Jacqui Toffelmire Flood as the new Retention Coordinator of the MERL Committee. Membership of the new Ad Hoc Committee on C&BL will be PDG Gus Este as Chair, Members: PDGs John Thompson, Jack Oatway, John Hamilton and Jean Hamilton

For more information, questions or concerns relating to these highlights please contact MDA Secretary Dave Voisey at or 613-843-1687
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