Council Highlights from May 2003

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Council Highlights from May 2003

Postby mdalions » Sat Apr 10, 2004 21:19


Through extreme cold, long distances and the uncertainty of winter travel, your Council of Governors for Ontario and Quebec came together in Cornwall for their official visit to the site of the Roaring in Harmony Convention of May 23, 24, 25 2003. The planned activities with their musical theme will make this convention a convention to remember by all who will be fortunate to attend.

Work began early for the Governors at their meeting on Friday afternoon. Past International Director Bill Moody and Past Council Chair Dale St. John briefed the Vice-District Governors on their upcoming visit to the 86th International Convention in Denver. A Valentine Extravaganza added a perfect ending to a “red letter” day.

On Saturday, your MDA representatives toured the convention facilities before the members of Council convened for a full day of further meetings. Council approved four LCIF grant applications for further assessment. Next year’s Council Chair was elected at this meeting and Governor Betty Jean Finlay of A-9 is the successful candidate; congratulations Governor BJ. Did you know that plans are under way for Wal-Mart to collect used eyeglasses for Lions across Canada? This year’s Peace Poster winner was Jackie Murphy age 12. She attends Our Lady of Sorrows School in Petawawa. A new Lions Quest Fellowship was established to recognize Lions and other deserving individuals who truly care about the youth in our communities; cost is $500.

What’s on the horizon in MD”A”? Your Council of Governors has initiated a review of the training that goes on in our Multiple. The Ad Hoc Training Review Committee members Lion Gus Este (A-4), Lion Joanne McQuiggan (A15), Lion Dave Durant (A-9) and Lion Jack Oatway (A-5) are reviewing what is presently offered and will develop an action plan to combine various MDA training venues and align this important component with our Districts. Your Governors have charged the Ad Hoc Office Review Committee to create a leaner administration. The committee has challenged the status quo and is in the final stages of improving business practices with many changes implemented as we speak. The final result will create much needed financial resources to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s Lions.

Conventions, Conventions, Conventions… good times, good training, good fun, and good fellowship make good Lions…. and good rejuvenated Lions SERVE their communities well.
See you all at the MDA Convention in Cornwall.

Secy John Proulx
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