Council Highlights from Sep 18, 2004

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Council Highlights from Sep 18, 2004

Postby mdalions » Sun Oct 03, 2004 13:34

Highlights of the Governor’s Council Meeting held on September 18, 2004

PID Endorsement
Motion by Gov Hobbs, seconded by Gov Coupland

BE IT RESOLVED that M.D.”A” hereby endorses the candidacy of P.I.D. Ian Fowler for the position of Second Vice President for Lions Clubs International at the International Convention to be held in Hong Kong in 2005. Carried

Magazine Ads
Motion by Gov Taylor, seconded by Gov Miller that Council offer all Lions Clubs in MD”A” the opportunity to raise funds by selling advertising for the Magazine, at 10% commission, with all ads subject to the LCI advertising policy standards as administered by Jim Tyler. Carried

MD”A” Volunteer Screening Process Policy
Motion by Gov Adams, seconded by Gov Brash that the policy provided in R&LRP’s Report to Council dated September 18, 2004, be adopted as the policy of MD”A” and that Council recommends to all Sub-districts that a similar policy be established in the sub-districts. Further, that the Volunteer Screening Process shall be conducted each year for those MD”A”individuals who have direct contact with youths in any Lions’ activity, e.g. camp directors and counselors, host individuals or families, effective speaking chair, transporters of youth for any reason, Leo advisors, etc

Further, it is recommended that the issue be retained in committee to research, in consultation with the Youth Opportunities Committee, the need for a multifaceted policy relating to working with youth. Carried.

District Governor Designate
Motion by Gov Coupland, seconded by Gov Taylor that Council adopt as the policy of MD”A”, the guidelines as set out in the Governor’s Manual, to allow a Vice District Governor to take a seat at the Council table in the absence of the incumbent and be permitted to exercise all rights and privileges of the Governor being replaced. Carried

Canadian Hearing Society
Motion by Gov Taylor, seconded by Gov Adams that a link be set up on the MD”A” Web Site to the Canadian Hearing Society website with the understanding they will reciprocate and provide a link to our website on their page. Carried
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